Add your team members to your account to make collaboration easy. If you are an Insititutional Account Administrator can add multiple members to your account. 

  1. Log in to the system

        2. Then select the Institution profile

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        3. Then select Invitations



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         4. Click the “Invite your colleague button”

A screenshot of a computer

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         5. Enter the message

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6. Click "Send an Invitation"

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7. Your colleague will receive an email with a link to join EARMA (Please make sure your colleagues know the VAT number of your Institution, as they will need to add these details via filling out the registration form)

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8. They should click on the “click to register” button and fill in the registration form:



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To have full access to the system, they do need to agree to the GDPR conditions.


Once registered, they will be able to configure their profile by selecting “edit profile”. Here they have the option to make their profile visible to other members and configure their email preferences in order o receive event announcements and the newsletter.