1. Login to your EARMA account here: https://earma.org/accounts/login/ 
  2. This will take you to your profile, where you can select the Expense Claim 

  • Under the new claims heading, you will see the link to start a new claim





  • Fill in the first form with your trip details and click next.



  • Enter the details for the standard allowance calculation.




  • Add the receipts related to your trip



  •  Select the type of expense (Travel, Accommodation etc. ) from the drop-down box. Input the price and add a copy of the receipt. You can check the added receipts by clicking on Review receipts. Once you have added all your receipts click the next button.



  • Check that you have added all the receipts correctly. Select your bank details and click next to submit your claim. If you cannot select your bank details or you wish to change your bank details, don't hesitate to get in touch with the EARMA office.



Please ensure you have provided your bank details prior to your first claim (Send them to Sahar.arafat@earma.org). Otherwise, the bank details option will be blank.


3. You may review your expense claims at any time by selecting expense claims from your profile section.